RIM Blog

Dec 2020 | Recent RIM Publications & Works

Every quarter we ask RIM network members to share recent publications and projects. Read on below! This quarterly list includes publications from the RIM Journal of Marketing Management special issue on “Marketing and Managing Racial Dynamic - Theory and Practice.” Interested in joining RIM? Connect.


Banks, Patricia A. (2021). Race, Ethnicity, and Consumption: A Sociological View. New York: Routledge.

Crockett, David and Sonya A. Grier. “Race in the Marketplace and COVID-19.” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 40, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 89–91. https://doi.org/10.1177/0743915620931448.

Davis, Judy Foster (2020). “Representation Matters: An Illustrated History of Race and Ethnicity in Advertising.” Advertising & Society Quarterly, 21 (3), https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/769129.

Doytcheva, Milena (2020) Governing racial justice through standards and the birth of ‘White diversity’: a Foucauldian perspective, Journal of Marketing Management, 36:13-14, 1338-1365, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2020.1796760

Ferguson, Nakeisha S., Janine L. Sanders Jones, Yuvay J. Meyers Ferguson & Amber M. Chenevert (2020) I need the hook-up: the impact of shared race and ethnic identity on the expectations of service quality, Journal of Marketing Management, 36:13-14, 1285-1307, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2020.1801799

Grier, Sonya A. and Poole, Sonja Martin (2020) Reproducing inequity: the role of race in the business school faculty search, Journal of Marketing Management, 36(13-14): 1190-1222, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0267257X.2020.1800796

hill, l.r. and Fracesca Sobande. (2020) (Re)viewing race, the marketplace, and public space through the lens of photography. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(13-14): 1169–1177. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0267257X.2020.1850076

Mitchell, Talé A. (2020) Critical Race Theory (CRT) and colourism: a manifestation of whitewashing in marketing communications?, Journal of Marketing Management, 36:13-14, 1366-1389, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2020.1794934

Rocha, Ana Raquel Coelho, Roberta Dias Campos, Letícia Moreira Casotti & Thaysa Costa do Nascimento (2020) Producing beauty ‘the hard way’: involuntary prosumption in a stigmatising context, Journal of Marketing Management, 36:13-14, 1223-1251, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2020.1795430

Rosa-Salas, Marcel and Isabel Flower (2020) ‘Worth more than just its weight in gold’: Nameplate jewellery and the practice of oppositional respectability, Journal of Marketing Management, 36:13-14, 1308-1337, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2020.1797854

Grier, Sonya A. and Poole, Sonja Martin (2020) Reproducing inequity: the role of race in the business school faculty search, Journal of Marketing Management, 36(13-14): 1190-1222. LINK

hill, l.r. and Fracesca Sobande. (2020) (Re)viewing race, the marketplace, and public space through the lens of photography. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(13-14): 1169–1177. LINK

Hudson, Peter (2020) Capitalism. Entry in Keywords for Caribbean Studies. LINK

Hudson, Peter (2020) Currency, colonialism, and monetary history from below. Available at https://justmoney.org/p-hudson-currency-colonialism-and-monetary-history-from-below/

Jones, Naya (2020) Intervention: Corner Stores, Surveillance, and All Black Afterlives. Antipode Online. Available at LINK.

Ourahmoune, Nacima (2020) Pour les marques, Black Lives Matter… vraiment ? [For brands, Black Lives Matter… really?]. Available at LINK.

Ourahmoune, Nacima (2020) Steak végé, dinde halal : petite leçon de marketing [Veggie steak, halal turkey: a little marketing lesson]. Available at LINK.

Ourahmoune, Nacima (2020) Discrimination raciale au Brésil : le boycott de Carrefour souligne l'urgence des marques à revoir leurs pratiques [Racial discrimination in Brazil: the boycott of Carrefour highlights the urgency of brands to review their practices]. Available at LINK.

Parker, Kelly (2020). "Stay home, protect the NHS' from the perspetive of a woman of colour. In Mai: Feminism and Visual Culture. Access the article: https://maifeminism.com/stay-home-protect-the-nhs-save-lives

Parker, Kelly (2020). Teaching Black HERstories: a review of transatlantic conferential learning. In U.S. Studies Online: Forum for New Writing. Available at https://usso.uk/review-teaching-black-herstories-24th-25th-july-university-of-missouri-online/

Parnell-Berry, Bel and Noémi Micel (2020) Issue-15: (De-)Facing the dark face of Europe; the on-going struggle against blackface and anti-Black racist imagery. Available at https://darkmatter-hub.pubpub.org/issue-15

Pittman, Cassi (2020) Black Privilege: Modern Middle-Class Blacks, with Credentials and Cash to Spend. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.

Poole S.M., Grier S.A., Thomas K.D., Sobande, F., Ekpo, A.E., Torres, L.T., Addington, L.A., Weekes-Laidlow, M. and Henderson, G.R. (2020). Operationalizing critical race theory in the marketplace. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/074391562096411

Rockwell, Casey Carder, David Crockett, and Lenita Davis. “Mass Incarceration and Consumer Financial Harm: Critique of Rent-Seeking by the Carceral State.” Journal of Consumer Affairs n/a, no. n/a (July 2020). https://doi.org/10.1111/joca.12316.

Scott, Maura and Kelly D. Martin (2020). Introduction to the Commentary Seres: Inequalities and Divides as We Continue to Grapple with a Global Pandemic. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 40(1): 83-88. LINK (Note section on race/racism)

Sobande, Francesca (2020) The Digital Lives of Black Women in Britain. Palgrave Macmillan.

Sobande, Francesca (2020) Envisioning more equitable and just futures: Feminist organizational communication in theory and praxis. Management Communication Quarterly. DOI: 10.1177/0893318920973598

Sobande, Francesca (2020). “We're all in this together”: Commodified notions of connection, care and community in brand responses to COVID-19. European Journal of Cultural Studies. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1367549420932294

Sobande, F., Schoonejans, A., Johnson, G.D., Thomas, K.D. and Harrison, A.K. (2020) Enacting anti-racist visualities through photo-dialogues on race in Paris. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Ahead of print: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/EDI-01-2020-0019/full/html

Gregory D. Squires, John Hans Gilderbloom, and Wesley Meares (June 20, 2020) "Pollution, Place, and the Unnecessary Tragedy of Premature Death: Lessons for Covid-19," Planetizen.

Zolfagharian, M., F. Hasan, G. B. Motie, and G. D. Squires, 2020 “Perceptions of Home Insurance and Policy Directions: Comparing Mexican Americans and Non-Hispanic White Americans,” Journal of Consumer Affairs. 54 (2): 417-455.

Takhar, Jennifer (2020) Shopkeeping, Journal of Marketing Management, 36:13-14, 1280-1284, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2020.1786145

Thomas, K.D., Boulton, C., Chambers, J.P., Davis, J.F., Rosa-Salas, M., & Tsai, W.S. (2020). Roundtable on Race and Brand Mascots. Advertising & Society Quarterly 21(3), doi:10.1353/asr.2021.0010.

Thomas, Kevin D., Judy Foster Davis, Jonathan A.J. Wilson and Francesca Sobande (2020) Repetition or reckoning: confronting racism and racial dynamics in 2020. Journal of Marketing Management, 36:13-14, 1153-1168, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2020.1850077

Lindsey-Warren, T.M., Chenevert, A., Chuku, Y., Gilroy, T., Howell, M., James, J.P., Thomas, K.D. (2020). Roundtable on the State of the Advertising Industry: Equity and Inclusion Matters, Part II. Advertising & Society Quarterly 21(3), doi:10.1353/asr.2021.0009

Wei, ML and Benita Bunjun (2020) 'We are not the shoes of white supremacists’: a critical race perspective of consumer responses to brand attempts at countering racist associations. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(13-14): 1252-1279. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0267257X.2020.1806907

Williams, Jerome D., Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Anneliese Lederer (2020). Small Businesses of Color Matter Too. Penn Regulatory Review, October 28. Available at: https://www.theregreview.org/2020/10/28/williams-bone-christensen-lederer-small-businesses-color-matter-too

Williams, Jerome D., Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Alexandra Tebbs (2020), “Profiting from Protecting Small Business Borrowers: Take That to the Bank!” Rutgers Business Review. Available at: https://rbr.business.rutgers.edu/article/profiting-protecting-small-business-borrowers-take-bank

Wilson, Jonathan A. J. (2020) Understanding branding is demanding... Journal of Marketing Management, 36(13-14): 1178-1189. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0267257X.2020.1801254