RIM Blog

May 2020 | Recent RIM Publications & Works

Every quarter we ask RIM members to share recent publications and projects. Read on below! Interested in joining RIM? Connect .


Banks, Patricia A. 2019. Diversity and Philanthropy at African American MuseumsNew York: Routledge.
Banks, Patricia A. 2019. High Culture, Black Culture: Strategic Assimilation and Cultural Steering in Museum Patronage. Journal of Consumer Culture. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1469540519846200

Banks, Patricia A. 2019. High Culture, Black Culture: Strategic Assimilation and Cultural Steering in Museum Patronage. Journal of Consumer Culture. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1469540519846200

Ernesto Castañeda’s book A Place to Call Home: Immigrant Exclusion and Urban Belonging in New York, Paris, and Barcelona (Stanford University Press 2018) won the LeoGrande Award.

Crockett, David and Sonya Grier wrote a commentary for the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing entitled “Race in the Marketplace and Covid-19”.  Read on the blog. (The commentary will also be posted the journal website and published in a later issue.)

Andrea Freeman discussed her book Skimmed: Breastfeeding, Race, and Injustice in a recent interview on National Public Radio (US). The Center for Health Journalism also published a review of Skimmed: read on.

Freeman, Andrea. 2020. You Better Work: Unconstitutional Work Requirements and Food Oppression, 53 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 151.

Freeman, Andrea. May 2, 2020. Trump's Order to Keep Meat Plants Open Mistakes Meat Shortage for a Food Shortage. In The Conversation.

Byrne, Brian Patrick and Ahir Gopaldas (2020), "Radio, Why Won't You Play BTS?" NowThis Newshttps://nowthisnews.com/pop/radio-why-wont-you-play-bts.

Gopaldas, Ahir & Susanna Molander. 2020. The Bad Boy Archetype as a Morally Ambiguous Complex of Juvenile Masculinities: The Conceptual Anatomy of a Marketplace Icon. Consumption Markets & Culture, 23:1, 81-93.

From Bel Parnell-Perry: European Network Against Racism (ERIF) has published its 5th Sinterklaas Brand and Product Study. To be on the ERIF mailing list or ask for info, get in touch at info@erifonline.org

Jones, A., H.M. Mamadu, and G.D. Squires. 2020. Mortgage Possessions, Spatial Inequality, and Obesity in Large US Metropolitan Areas. Public Health 181: 86-93.

Squires, George D. 2020. Affirmatively Dismantling Fair Housing. Shelterforce.

J. Gilderbloom, W. Meares and G.D. Squires. 2020. Pollution, Place, and Premature Death: Evidence from a Mid-Sized City. Local Environment

Summers, Brandi T. 2020. Race in the Quarantined City. Solicited Op-Ed for The New York Times

Read an excerpt of Brandi T. Summers' new book Black in Place: The Spatial Aesthetics of Race in a Post-Chocolate City on Nextcity.org: read on.             

***Forthcoming ***

Castañeda, Ernesto.
Comparative Notes on the Contexts of Reception and Immigrant Entrepeneurship in New York City, Washington D.C., El Paso, Barcelona, and Paris. Forthcoming in Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Urban Development: A Comparative Perspective. Edited by Cathy Yang Liu. Berlin, Germany: Springer. 2020. Chapter 5. Pp. 127-153